Kindermusik Young
Child 2 (Ages 5 – 7)
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Class Description
Playing simple
musical patterns and songs on the featured instrument from the first
session—the glockenspiel—is a central focus this semester. While learning to
sing a melody, and then play the pattern on the glockenspiel, we'll delve
deeper into the understanding of musical concepts such as piano and forte
through orchestra-style music such as the William Tell Overture and Peter and
the Wolf. Music appreciation and understanding continues with a complete
introduction to the instruments—and the families in which they're grouped—of
the orchestra.
Enrollment Includes
Developmentally appropriate curriculum for parents and children, ages 5 – 7
of no more than 12 children
classes with a different theme each month
60-minute class, parent or guardian does not attend class with child
• At Home Materials—Children’s
Folder with stickers, games bag, and Music At Home Cards, Family Songbook,
and Home CD of music from class.
What a Parent and
Child Will Experience in Class
Singing and Vocal Development
It may sound
like a foreign language when a child sings “ta” and “ti-ti,” but this is the
language of professional musicians and composers and getting young children
ready to read and write simple rhythm patterns.
See children
dance expressively to music, giving them the practice they needs to
coordinate their body movements to the sound of music. This kind of musical
play not only improves musicianship, but physical coordination as well.
Reading and Writing
Young children
will learn melodic notation and identify pitches such as the C, A, and D
notes on the treble clef, plus rhythmic notation. Eventually even composing
their own music.
Focused Listening
Children will
learn to identify a range of orchestra instruments and their sound qualities,
while also gaining an early awareness and knowledge of composers and
masterworks in Western arts tradition.
Exploring and Playing Musical
percussion, string, pre-keyboard, and woodwind instruments expose children to
the many choices for future musical study, and at the same time provide them
with the opportunity to musically succeed before taking on more formal
Values Group Experience Before Formal
a child begins more formal music lessons, the group dynamic disappears. With Young
Child, children are able to interact and build social skills.
a Student Community
Young Child keeps the same group of children
together for two years, creating an incredible student community.
Unit Details
Not currently offered
Ages 5-7
Prerequisite: Young Child 1

16 - 19
Music for Special
Times: Whether it is Happy
Birthday or Here Comes the Bride, music defines our celebrations.
Your child will celebrate learning music as we discover where notes live on
the musical staff, how both quiet and loud are exciting and how making music
is a cooperative adventure.
Lessons 20 - 23
Musical Emotions: Learning to use music to change the way we feel
is good idea. Music has the power to help us calm down, rev up, day dream, or
focus. How does that happen? We will explore this idea and learn about one of
the world’s most famous composers, Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Lessons 24 - 27
Does It Bounce or
Does It Fly? What draws us all to music is its many flavors
or variation, in volume, intensity, smoothness, or sharpness. We are
discovering how to listen carefully to identity these sounds, then lets –
MOVE like this: glide, fly, slither, float, jump, bob, boing, trot. PLAY
these: drums, triangles, shakers, woodblocks, chimes. DRAW pictures of what
we are hearing. We have a flavor for every learner!
Lessons 28 - 30
Meet the Orchestra: Families Just like our families, instruments
belong to a family too. They look, feel and sound similar. Join us as we
explore the orchestra – Woodwind Family, Percussion Family, Brass Family and
String Family – as depicted in the classic story by Sergi Prokofiev; Peter
and the Wolf.