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Kindermusik Level 4 - Move & Groove (Ages 4 – 5)



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Class Description

Kindermusik Level 4 - Move & Groove is the perfect complement to preschool. This level of Kindermusik will introduce your child to a whole world of music and movement activities that also promote language, social and emotional skills, early math and early literacy, physical coordination, creativity, and more!  We will explore the world of Opera, Dance, and Orchestra and learn about composers like Mozart, Beethoven and John Phillip Sousa!  Plus, your child will learn basic music vocabulary and notation—all setting the stage for future school success and formal music lessons. Parents join the fun for the final activities. The Kindermusik@Home digital home materials extend the benefits all week long with music from class, activities for the whole family, and each month’s story.

Enrollment Includes

 Developmentally appropriate curriculum for parents and children, ages 4 -5 years

 Class of no more than 12 children

 Year-round classes with a different theme each month

 Weekly 45-minute class, parent or guardian attends last 10 minutes of class with child

 Digitial Home Materials—a collection of music, and digital games and activities for each theme, each month that allows your child to delve into the music and activities in which he/she is most interested as often as you allow

What a Parent and Child Will Experience in Class

Language Development

Being in a group class like Kindermusik gives big kids lots of extra practice in verbal communication, but language development is taken to all-new level as the children imitate melodic phrases, match pitch, and sing entire songs.

Vocal Development

We take singing to a whole new level as the children sing in several languages, participate in speech ensembles, expand their vocal range, develop independent singing, and sing in an ensemble.

Cognitive Development

Higher-level cognitive skills mean these eager learners can easily begin to grasp the fundamentals of reading, writing, and composing music which Kindermusik introduces in a perfectly sequenced and thoughtful way.

Gross Motor Skills

Children this age are more than capable of walking, running, and jumping and are now able to walk, run, and jump to the beat of the music.  Kindermusik helps refine their gross-motor skills even further as the children imitate and learn multi-step dances.

Fine Motor Skills

The ability to hold a pencil and write their names means that these big kids are becoming skilled enough to also learn simple musical notation, play the bars of a glockenspiel, strum the strings of the dulcimer, and finger the holes on the recorder.

Social Emotional Development

At this age, self-esteem comes from feeling capable, and Kindermusik helps your child to develop a sense of confidence by belonging to a group, sharing ideas, and taking pride in his accomplishments.

Musical Development

Increasing skills and cognitive abilities mean that your big kid can enjoy more complicated group dances and ensemble experiences.  She’ll have lots of opportunity to develop her singing voice as well.  Most exciting of all, she is able to learn to read and write music as well as to compose her own songs.





Unit Details


Enroll Anytime!

  Monday's at 3:30 pm

  Ages 4 - 5 years old

September Unit

Jump into the rhythms of Latin America with Jumping Beans! Peek into the rain forest, explore expressive movement, investigate quarter notes and quarter rests, sing and learn some words and phrases in Spanish, and-you guessed it-jump, jump, jump!


October Unit

In Join the Parade, everyone gets to be in the band! Move to parade and march music, learn to identify woodwind instruments, learn about music concepts piano (quiet) and forte (loud), and meet Henry, who creates his own musical parade-by accident!




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