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Kindermusik Level 2 - Wiggle & Grow (Ages 2 – 3)



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Class Description

This music-filled class celebrates the unique joys of your growing child. Each week your child will love singing, dancing, and playing instruments with you and her new friends and you’ll love helping her practice a wide variety of abilities such as gross and fine motor skills, turn-taking, social skills, and active listening. In class, we’ll also share tips and ideas for using music throughout the week. Plus, the fun (and learning!) continues with the Kindermusik@Home digital home materials, including music from class, musical activities, and each month’s story.

Enrollment Includes

Developmentally appropriate curriculum for parents and toddlers, ages 2 -3 years

 Class of no more than 12 toddlers with parents

 Year-round classes with a different theme each month

 Weekly 45-minute class, parent or guardian attends entire class with child

 Digitial Home Materials—a collection of music, and digital games and activities for each theme, each month that allows your child to delve into the music and activities in which he/she is most interested as often as you allow

What a Parent and Child Will Experience in Class

Language Development

Your child is on the edge of a verbal explosion, and Kindermusik gives her lots of opportunities to practice and develop those budding language skills.  Singing and vocal play along with Story Time, chants, and finger plays all help stimulate language development in a fun and pressure-free way.

Vocal Development

For toddlers, learning to use their voices starts with imitating sounds, playing with the many sounds our voices can make, singing short songs, and chanting simple rhymes – all with you as a model and inspiration.

Cognitive Development

You’ll be able to enhance your child’s growing comprehension and cognitive skills through happy classroom routines like coming to get instruments and putting them away, musical activities that invite clapping and tapping to music, and themes that engage the toddler’s delightful sense of curiosity and imagination.

Gross Motor Skills

Toddlers on the go love all their Kindermusik classes – we’re never still for very long!  From holding and shaking instruments to running and jumping to stopping and going, you will enjoy being part of helping your child’s skills blossom through a wide variety of creative movement.

Fine Motor Skills

At a time when your child is becoming more and more independent, a little practice with smaller-sized instruments, finger plays, and turning pages in a book means that the hand muscles learn to cooperate more and more with the brain.

Social Emotional Development

There’s no doubt that your toddler is becoming his own little person, but he still needs you as his anchor of security.  Kindermusik ensures your child’s healthy social and emotional development through predictable routines and special rituals, being around other children, practice with sharing, and best of all, play time with you.

Musical Development

Toddlers are delighted by music, and there’s no better time than in these early years to inspire what will become a lifelong love for music.  From drumming to singing to dancing together, you’ll love how Kindermusik inspires your daily routines and strengthens the bond you share.





Unit Details


Enroll Anytime!

         Tuesday's at 10:00 am

         Ages 2 - 3 years old

February Unit

Sing, dance, rhyme, move, and play your way through this celebration of why our very special Family & Friends matter so much! Using our imaginations, we'll visit our friends' houses, interact with family, go to the market, play with playmates, and more. Everyone is invited to make music with our family and friends!  

March Unit

Gather your critters; it's time for some fun! We will use our bodies and imaginations to gallop like horses, scamper like mice, "swim" our hands, and fly scarves like birds-all the while developing motor skills, vocabulary, imagination, and more. Woof, meow, neigh, squeak, or blub-blub-blub... Everyone is welcome in this fun, adorable, and lovably ridiculous Pet Parade!



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