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Ballet Dance Classes







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Each ballet level progressively builds on the strength and technique of the prior ballet level as dancer’s increase their experience and skill, and continue to develop as confident and capable dancers. The ballet barre combinations learned at the early levels require a high level of concentration and good memory; in the center, the dancers will build strength and work on their coordination and musicality.  At the upper levels, dancers are expected to reach a very good level of independent work. They are expected to be self-motivated and to demonstrate desire and determination for self-perfection. The technique class moves at a much faster pace than the previous levels.









We offer Pre-Ballet classes. See the Youth Dance page for more information.



Ballet I (Beginning)


Entry-level ballet class for ages 8-13, learning the basic exercises of the ballet barre using full turn-out, proper placement, arm control and articulation of the feet.  Centre work includes balance control and simple jumps and turns.



Ballet I-II (Advanced Beginning)


Builds upon the knowledge and fundamentals of Ballet I, adding stretching, and balancing in open positions at the barre.  Centre work solidifies single pirouettes, pique and chainee turns and beginning petit allegro steps.


Ballet I

Ballet II (Advanced Beginning / Low Intermediate


Continue expanding understanding of proper placement, core muscle control and weight transfer.  Work exercises at barre a tempo, adding more complicated stretches and higher extensions.  Centre work includes double pirouettes, petit allegro steps, and learning about grande allegro. 


Ballet I-II

Ballet II-III (Low Intermediate)


Solidifying knowledge, understanding and execution of Ballet II exercises and steps.  Begin adding beats to petit allegro.


Ballet II

Ballet III (Intermediate)


Builds upon understanding and executing concepts from previous Ballet levels, including strong work through the feet and ability to hold higher extensions.  Centre work includes adagio exercises and more complicated turns – attitude, arabesque, fouettes, and petit allegro beats.


Ballet II-III

Ballet III-IV (Advanced)


Work on perfecting Ballet III skills including ease of complicated pirouettes, managing beats in petit allegro, and adding more difficult grande allegro movements.


Ballet III



In this class, students will work on technique fundamentals, learn introductory lyrical dance movements, and establish a foundation for dancing this style with control and strength. The class is taught as an “old-style lyrical” class, or as it is called today a “lyrical-ballet” class, that is not very far removed from ballet and requires a good understanding of ballet technique, steps, posture, and positions. The class will emphasize the key fundamental elements needed to build lyrical dance, like pas de chat, arabesque, turns, & expressive quality of movement. Additionally, students will learn how to combine the classical steps with non-traditional elements, such as floor work and lyrical turns, to create new and fluid movement patterns.


Ballet I-II

Boy’s Ballet


Boy’s ballet is a boy’s only class that combines basic dance techniques with task-based movement. Our goal is to improve coordination, physical condition, muscular strength, flexibility and endurance. Boys will work on weight management, on improving balance and spatial awareness, and on enhancing social skills, self-esteem and general physical confidence. Our mission is to use dance and movement to prepare and inspire young boys for a successful future.



Teen Ballet (Beginning)


We offer a teen ballet class. See the Teen Dance page for more information.



Adult Ballet


An adult Ballet dance class for basic to advanced adult dancers. For students new to Ballet, this class will introduce the basics of classical Ballet technique. Students will learn basic barre, center with simple Adagio, petite and grande Allegro as well as movements across the floor (basic Jumps and Turns using the diagonal of the studio). The dance combinations will be presented in a simple, but still challenging manner.

For students with previous Ballet experience, this class provides an opportunity to refresh and enrich their Ballet knowledge and to reach higher levels of confidence, poise and strength in their dancing. The focus will be placed on working with the music in order to achieve fluidity and graceful Ballet lines. Another focus will be placed on increasing the speed and Ballet coordination in all the dance combinations from the curriculum.









1 Stated prerequisite must be completed prior to starting this class.







Class Details


  Enroll anytime!

  Trial a class on us!

  Fee schedule based on total TDC-enrolled hours of dance


  Not currently offered

  Weekly 60-minute class

Tap/Ballet (6-8)

  Wednesday's at 3:30 PM OR Thursdays at 5:45 PM

  Weekly 60-minute class

Ballet I (Beginning)

  Monday's at 4:30 PM

  Weekly 60-minute class

Ballet I-II

(Advanced Beginning)

  Wednesday's at 4:30 PM

  Weekly 60-minute class

Ballet II

(Advanced Begin. / Low Intermediate)

  Thursday's at 3:45 PM

  Daily 60-minute class

Ballet II-III (Low Intermediate)

  Tuesday's at 5:30 PM

  Weekly 60-minute class

Ballet III (Intermediate)

  Monday's at 5:30 PM OR Saturday's at 12:00 PM

  Weekly 90-minute class

Ballet III-IV (Advanced)

  Wednesday's at 5:30 PM OR Thursday's at 6:45 PM

  Weekly 90-minute class

Ballet Company

  Not currently offered

  Weekly 60-minute class

Boy's Ballet

  Not currently offered

  Weekly 60-minute class

Adult Ballet

  Tuesday's at 7:30 PM OR Friday's at 7:30 PM

  Weekly 60-minute class

Teen Ballet

  Tuesday's at 4:30 PM

  Weekly 60-minute class



Last updated: 08/19/2024





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